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Friday, June 10, 2016

Contoh Percakapan Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk 3 Orang Beserta Artinya

Contoh Percakapan Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk 3 Orang Beserta Artinya – Oke kali ini saya akan memberikan contoh percakapan bahasa inggris untuk tiga orang di dalam sebuah restoran beserta artinya dan penjelasan ekspressi yang digunakan dalam percakapan.
Conversation at the restaurant for 3 people
Jeni, Leli, and Maya have lunch at the restaurant.  They use their lunch time to practice by talking to each other.
Jeni: Leli, can I borrow your cellular phone to call my father after we finish eating?
Leli: Yes, of course Jeni, And please, do not forget to ask your father whether you may go to the movies with us after having lunch.
Maya: Jeni, would you mind to pass the sauce, please?
Jeni: Sure, here it is.
Maya: And red pepper too, please. Thank you in advance.
Jeni: You’re welcome.
Leli: Would both of you mind if I stop by Gramedia bookstore on our way to the movie?
Jeni: No, I think. I do not look for any book at all.
Maya: I would like to stop there also until the movie begin because I would like to look at TOEFL book.
Jeni: Would both of you mind to go shopping after the movie finish. I want to buy something?
Leli: No, Maybe next time. I need to go home by 6:00 o’clock.
Maya: I am available. And I will go with you if you want.
Jeni: That would be nice. I need to look for a gift for my father. His birthday is on Friday next week. What gift would you recommend, Maya?
Maya: Just a second please. Give me time to think. Umm..  Maybe a t-shirt for teaching since he is a teacher?
Jeni: What a brilliant suggestion! My father will love the lovely gift from me. I hope there is a nice t-shirt for my father in the mall.
Leli: I bought too many French fries. Would anybody want it?
Jeni: Yes, I would like a little bit.
Leli: How about you, Maya?
Maya: No, thanks. I already have enough food.
Jeni: Leli, would you like some of my popcorn?
Leli: Yes, please. Just a little bit.
Jeni: Here it is.
Leli: Oh, that’s enough! No more, please.
Jeni: Maya, do you remember to bring my TOEFL book?
Maya: Oh, I am so sorry. I forgot about it. Would you mind to call to remind me again tonight?
Jeni:  That is Ok.
Leli: If you don’t mind, may I borrow your book after you finish to read it?
Jeni: I promised to let Budi borrow the book after I get it back from Maya.  Do not worry Leli, You’re welcome to borrow it after Budi is finished. Budi is a fast reader, he will finish it as fast as possible.
Leli: OK Jeni,  By the way, i am a slow reader. How long do you think I may borrow it?
Jeni: I already read it overall the content of book. So, you can keep it as long as you want. Give it back to me after you done with it.
Leli: Thank you, Jeni. That will save my money.
Maya: Are we all finish? We must leave now to catch the movie; otherwise, we’ll be late.
Leslie: I am done with it.
Jane: So am I. Ok let us go!!!



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